Automatically closing inactive conversations after some time

Streamline your customer service workflow by automatically closing inactive conversations. This guide will show you how to set up a time-based rule in Fernand that closes conversations after a specified period of customer inactivity.

Setting up the rule

  1. Go to Settings > Rules, and create a new Rule

  2. Pick a title for your rule, like "Auto-close Inactive Conversations"

  3. Configure trigger conditions

    A message was not received within 1 day

    You can customize the time by specifying anything you need in natural language (e.g. 30 minutes, 6 hours, 20 days, 3 weeks, etc...)

  4. Configure actions
    Mark the conversation as done for now

Your setup should look something like this:

Make sure to save the rule, and it will be ready. You will receive a success notification the first time the rule is successfully activated.

By implementing this automated rule, you'll significantly enhance your team's productivity and maintain a clean, manageable conversation queue. All conversations that haven't received a response for one day will be automatically closed.

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