Setting up your knowledge base

A knowledge base is your customer’s self-service portal for information about your product or service, and Fernand provides an intuitive, Notion-like editor for crafting an informative and user-friendly knowledge base for your SaaS product.

Getting started

You can either migrate from an existing knowledge base, start from a template, or start from scratch. Our white-glove migration service is free, and we support any data source. We'll get back to you with an answer within 48 hours.

Organizing your articles

With Fernand, the organization of your content is a breeze. You can place articles in collections and create an unlimited number of sub-collections. One significant feature is that an article can appear under multiple collections, so you can build content flows that match resolution paths a customer might be looking for.

Branding your knowledge base

Your knowledge base is an extension of your brand. With Fernand, you can customize your knowledge base to align with your company branding. Here’s how:

  1. Upload a logo
    You can include both a light mode logo and a dark mode-friendly logo for seamless visual presentation in any screen setting.

  2. Select accent colors
    For both light mode and dark mode, specify an accent color that echoes your brand's color theme.

  3. Set a favicon
    This small icon will appear on the browser tab when your knowledge base is open, aiding quick recognition.

  4. Add custom links
    Customize elements in the header or footer by adding custom links that connect users to other relevant information.

  5. Customize with CSS and JS
    For those with coding knowledge or resources, Fernand supports Custom CSS and JS for a fully personalized look and feel.

  6. Adding a custom domain
    If you prefer to have your knowledge base accessible through your own custom domain, Fernand allows you to easily set that up. Set up a custom domain.


Built on NuxtJS, our knowledge base delivers the speed and performance you need, ensuring a smooth and fast user experience for your customers accessing the knowledge base.

Setting up a knowledge base with Fernand is a simple and streamlined process, designed to conveniently centralize and organize crucial information. Optimizing your knowledge base will enhance the self-service experience of your customers, reduce the support load on your team, and ultimately raise overall customer satisfaction.

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